A Love Letter to Journeys


Well, that was a much needed reboot! 

James and I just got back from 8 magnificent days in Costa Rica. I was apprehensive about telling anyone because I know after this year you all need a break too! All I can say is when you're ready, book it because it is worth facing the fear of traveling.

It took a lot of courage, planning, and saving so that we could coordinate our trip to be smart and safe. I said to James several months ago that I felt the need to be surrounded by immense green and nature and without pause he blurted out Costa Rica. He had been there surfing many times and loved it and I had never been so it was perfect.

Honestly we were amazed. They seemed to have the Covid routine down a little better than we do here in the USA. Everyone wore masks and outside of every shop, restaurant, and gas station there was a touchless sink with soap and towels so that you could wash your hands and if you forgot to do so they would kindly ask you to. I am sure that they want tourists back considering that 90% of their income comes from tourism. I am fairly good at research and found an amazing Costa Rican travel agent who helped us with all of our private transportation and details.

Private travel was important to us considering we spent a lot of our trip driving on difficult roads to remote locations.


First on our tour was a six-hour drive from San Jose into the cloud forest, Monteverde. I could feel us going higher and higher as we approached the late afternoon sun and at one point our driver pulled over so we could get our first real view of where we were.


The view was so high and filled with lush green tree-filled mountains overlooking green rolling mountains and valleys surrounded by beautiful deep blue water. The most amazing thing was the bit of haze created by the clouds because by this time we were so high up that we were in the clouds. The warm wind was strong and pulled at our clothes and hair and the air was the freshest cleanest air I have ever breathed. There was a sense of dynamic energy around us. James and I knew this was the beginning of an unbelievable experience.


We spent the next 8 days traveling the country, from the cloud forest to Uvita where the jungle meets the sea. We both found the people to be so kind and we were amazed that everyone we met had a love, care, and knowledge of the land and the animals. James and I found photographing Monteverde difficult because when we tried capturing the many layers of green trees they fell flat on both of our cameras and there is no way to capture the outrageous sounds of the birds and insects flying all around.

We had a bit more success photographing in Uvita, or at least I should say James did.

Below is the link to his Instagram should you wish to see his work for yourself.

On our way to Uvita we passed miles and miles of Palm Oil trees which is a tough and often controversial industry. I was very dismayed at the worker dwellings and listening to our driver giving us his sad account of an industry fueled by greed and human misconduct. The phrase "no matter where you go, there you are" comes to mind as I continue to evaluate my own accountability and care for the planet earth. 


In Uvita we stayed in a lovely jungle bungalow and spent a few days really enjoying the view and food and we met several couples that we will be sure to stay in touch with.


We also conquered a fear we both had of horses. We took a horse tour through the mountains with a real Costa Rican Cowboy to a small but powerful waterfall. Our cowboy guide showed us how to juice sugar cane and what are the best herbs to grow and eat for optimum cowboy and girl health. He was such a character and we absolutely loved him!


All of the food we ate over our trip was local and fresh with no frozen or processed foods. 

Every trip has a few takeaways, and this trip was no exception. We are expanding our knowledge of what living sustainably means to us and how we can make steps toward leaving a smaller imprint on our earth. We are deeply rooted in gratitude that we were able to make this journey. These kinds of experiences fuel our artwork and help us find inspiration which translates into bringing our collections and clients new and inspired creations for your home and lives in a more sustainable way. We found that recharging our batteries allows us a fresh perspective, new outlook, and redefined priorities. 


You know I could go on and on but that's not really fair. I want to hear and see your pictures from your journeys this summer. Whether they be from your backyard or some far off place, or a fabulous book you read or movie you saw, getting away and enjoying life is so important.

My trip reminded me of the importance of kind hearts, deep care for the earth, good food, good music, expressive art, and all-around good vibes.

As always I love you all and send you my very very best.

-       Amanda J.